4 Employee-First Leadership Lessons with Stan Moss
Kathryn Landis Kathryn Landis

4 Employee-First Leadership Lessons with Stan Moss

Every leader has strengths and weaknesses. Some excel at strategic thinking, some are expert communicators, while others shine when motivating their teams. However, there is one strength that many great leaders share:

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What to do when your inner voice is a liar
Kathryn Landis Kathryn Landis

What to do when your inner voice is a liar

Your inner monologue has a major impact on the way you lead. You rely on it to make good decisions, yet limiting beliefs and negative self-talk can derail your impact. Make sure your inner voice has your best interests at heart with these strategies.

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Your Newest Team Member: AI
Kathryn Landis Kathryn Landis

Your Newest Team Member: AI

If the headlines around generative artificial intelligence (AI) are making you nervous, you’re not alone. The fear of being ”replaced” by machines is not entirely unwarranted or new. AI has been around for decades, but the rise of generative AI may feel very sudden. Leaders across industries are now challenged with new anxieties, both their team’s and their own. 

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Are others’ perceptions holding you back?
Kathryn Landis Kathryn Landis

Are others’ perceptions holding you back?

You may know your intentions, but if they don’t align with how others see you, you’ll run into roadblocks. This week, I’m sharing strategies to help you shatter misconceptions and showcase your true self.

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3 Ways To Identify Your High Performers
Kathryn Landis Kathryn Landis

3 Ways To Identify Your High Performers

Identifying these high performers is an important part of your role as a leader, but it’s not as easy as it may seem. Without a clear vision of what makes a top performer, you may be overlooking exceptional workers. Here are three things to consider. 

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Creating a leadership development program for today
Kathryn Landis Kathryn Landis

Creating a leadership development program for today

Over the past three years, the workplace has changed dramatically. With the prevalence of remote and hybrid work and market uncertainty, leaders are facing new challenges and expectations. High-potential individuals and even seasoned leaders need support, but what worked in the past for leadership development no longer works. 

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5 ways to deal with a “difficult” employee
Kathryn Landis Kathryn Landis

5 ways to deal with a “difficult” employee

Dealing with a “difficult” or “toxic” team member is one of the toughest challenges for leaders, and it’s also one of the most common. Because problematic attitudes and negative behaviors can spread like wildfire to the rest of your team, it’s important to take action.

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3 strategies to foster team collaboration
Kathryn Landis Kathryn Landis

3 strategies to foster team collaboration

Collaboration can make or break your organization’s growth and progress. One of my clients - let’s call him Matt - is the President of a technology company who is becoming increasingly frustrated by his senior leadership team's (SLT) inability to work together. While he and his SLT meet on a weekly basis…

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Don’t talk yourself out of success
Kathryn Landis Kathryn Landis

Don’t talk yourself out of success

“Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” Has there ever been a more misleading saying? Words have power, and while most of us are mindful of how we speak to others when it comes to self-talk, that awareness goes out the window.

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When NOT to play it safe
Kathryn Landis Kathryn Landis

When NOT to play it safe

I’ve been talking a lot with my clients about change lately. It seems to be happening everywhere. Across all industries, at all levels of leadership, organizations are in flux. With so much uncertainty over the last three years, it’s tempting to approach these changes with caution, to play it safe. It seems logical, right? Not necessarily.

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Expectations vs Agreements - how do you lead?
Kathryn Landis Kathryn Landis

Expectations vs Agreements - how do you lead?

“These people aren’t living up to my expectations.”

I’ve heard this phrase many times over the years, usually said with frustration and disappointment. It’s a challenging experience that nearly every leader has gone through in their professional life, but if you’re constantly feeling like your team is letting you down, the problem may not lie solely with them. This issue can happen for a number of reasons, one of them being your expectations. 

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How to welcome change (instead of resisting it)
Kathryn Landis Kathryn Landis

How to welcome change (instead of resisting it)

You may have heard the expression, "the only constant in life is change." The Greek philosopher Heraclitus is credited with this idea, and I agree with him. This is especially true in our ever-evolving business world. Every day, new technologies, ideas and competition present us with opportunities to stay relevant, to innovate, to give ourselves a competitive advantage…If we are open to them, that is. 

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The Secret to Showing Up for Your Team: A Clear Leadership Vision
Kathryn Landis Kathryn Landis

The Secret to Showing Up for Your Team: A Clear Leadership Vision

As we close in on the end of 2022, it’s only natural to reflect on the events of the past year, both what went well… and what didn’t. The difficult thing is that all this reflection comes during the busiest time for most of us! Organizations are often scrambling to end the year on a high note, teams are working hard, and leaders have little time to spare; and that’s not even mentioning the family gatherings and holiday parties that fill the month of December. We’re all running at top speed, yet taking a moment to slow down will actually help you be more efficient and effective.

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6 Conditions for Team Success in 2023
Kathryn Landis Kathryn Landis

6 Conditions for Team Success in 2023

The holidays have officially arrived, and as our schedules fill up with parties and family responsibilities, making time for reflection isn’t often at the top of our to-do list. Coasting through the end of the year can be very tempting, but I encourage you to make space to evaluate your team’s health and performance during the last year. What are your greatest successes? Your greatest challenges?

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How to Create Better Teams for Better Outcomes
Kathryn Landis Kathryn Landis

How to Create Better Teams for Better Outcomes

This is not an easy time to be a leader. With burnout and looming macroeconomic uncertainty, your company is guaranteed to be going through change right now. Many companies are starting to tighten the belt. You might be one of the lucky few companies that are growing, which means you might be struggling with what that growth means. Either way, being a leader in this moment means navigating growth or contraction (a.k.a. change).

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